Cost Centers
Track and compare your project profitability or product sales or commissioning sales. This feature provides a real-time view of how all your jobs are tracking financially. This means you can make informed decisions and drive profitability.
Add More Than One Store
This exceptional feature allows you to add multiple stores and inventories and allocate their distinctive locations in this system, so you can efficiently manage your different stores, branches and inventories.*
Manage Payments
Manage your payments as you wish, and with ease. You can pay your bill in whole or in part in the form of separate receipt or payment vouchers, while indicating the date of each payment. Also choose the type of account that you have been charged or paid for in the cash or bank account, and you can also add detailed bank accounts.
Email Messages
You can sends sales invoice or quotation to the customer immediately upon purchase, As well as the ability to send orders to suppliers to facilitate the purchase. Memos can also be sent to customers before payment is due, with the possibility of scheduling the transmission.
Activities Log
Track and monitor the details of the latest activities and adjustments done by the users of the facility through the activities log in this dashboard.
Provides Updated Reports
Keep track of your company’s performance through our reports page. Every action and activity entered by the users of the facility is automatically reflected in the reports page.
File Attachments
Attach photographs of bonds, remittances and other attachments relating to sales invoices, purchase invoices, customers, suppliers, quotations, purchase orders, and manual entries.
Manage User Roles & Permissions
You can invite employees as users and assign specific roles to each one, in which each role has distinctive privileges.
Provide Customization
we can customize as per customer requirement timely and effectively
Module Integration
we can integrate modules easily in this system
Open Source
It is open source software;
Security & Powerful Community
Software provide big security and give lot of community available in this software . you can get lot of tutorial videos and article in internet